I would have to admit, 2011 was a nice year for me. I leave it feeling good about it rather than the usual, “Boy, I sure hope 2012 is better.” I was pleased with last year. It wasn’t perfect. There are things I would have changed about it. But, overall, it was a good year. I do, however, hope that 2012  is even better. That is only human.
Here are my thoughts for the New Year…
No matter who you are, or where you are: don’t ignore your dreams or your passion. My wish for you  is that you realize what your dreams are and that you summons up the courage to act on them. That you will look for what is in your heart, as long as it is healthy and helpful, and realize that it is worth finding a way to achieve your goals.
All it takes to start is one baby step in the direction that your heart is leaning. Baby steps will take you farther than you think.
I see the next 40 years of my life as an opportunity. I want to take the life I have been given and do the best with it that I can. I want to be responsible with the gifts and talents that I have been given and I want to invest in them to the best of my ability. I would have to be honest and say, I am not exactly sure what that looks like, but I can assure you, I will do my best to learn how I can invest in them wisely.
Think about the God-given gifts you have. What could you do that would take you in the direction of making the best of your talents in 2012. Don’t worry about a complete plan, just begin thinking and pointing your heart and mind in that direction.
In the meantime, why not take a look at Psalm 139. I think you will be pleased to find that your Creator thinks you are pretty special, and that His thoughts toward you are good thoughts. And, if you want to know how God feels about your future, you’ll want to take a look at Jeremiah 29:11.
Just my thoughts for a healthy and happy you in 2012,