When a colleague handed me the over-sized, glossy magazine asking if I had seen it, I had to laugh. “You can read this,” he announced while holding it out, “but leave it here. I want to read it later.”
The cover was an illustration of a lone woman in a movie theater. And the title of the periodical was simply HER. When I saw the page he had it opened to, I then knew why the interest for this single male that is currently living with his long-term girl-friend.
In a very clever section titled “her confessions”, anonymous submissions were listed. Here are a few that caught my eye:

–I hate when my girlfriends get boyfriends because they completely change into different people!

–I don’t recycle. At all. I hope everyone else is, because I can’t be bothered.
–I am in love with my boyfriend, and he is my best friend, but I am not sexually attracted to him at all.
–Sometimes I drink out of a birthday mug and tell people it’s my birthday.
–I’m so sick and tired of non-Christians judging my Christian beliefs. I try not to judge your lack of beliefs, so why do you think it’s OK to judge my beliefs?
The birthday cup idea totally gets my vote. Can’t resist. I will have to try that some day. When I am really tired and lonely maybe.
SO…you SINGLE GALS out there…what are some of YOUR confessions? Send them to us via the comments option.  We’ll post them soon! Anonymously – of course.