by billyzh | Feb 2, 2009 | Career/Job
Well known speaker and author Chuck Swindoll was pointing out some words of wisdom from the Apostle Paul found in the book of 1 Corinthians. These were Greeks he was talking to. Educated, philosophized, cultured folk. But the admonition he gave them was anything but...
by billyzh | Jan 31, 2009 | Asides
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. Eleanor Roosevelt
by billyzh | Jan 31, 2009 | Asides
Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence. Helen Keller (1880-196 8) American Writer
by billyzh | Jan 31, 2009 | Not-Yet-Married, Pets
So some of you have been wondering how my wilderness skills are holding out during my back to basics experiment. If Ma and Pa Kettle could do it, my motto this week had become “So Can I!” As you may know, I have attempted to try out my “worst case” scenario motif, to...
by billyzh | Jan 30, 2009 | Asides
Learning is not compulsory…neither is survival. – W. Edwards Deming