Just stop it, will you?

“Would you stop?” Words we’ve all heard at some point or another. Or, perhaps words we have directed toward someone in our sphere that is continuing in a frantic pace. Busy children, friends with hectic schedules, family members with frenzied focus....

Cultural Warriors. Are you one?

Ok. So it goes without saying, when I blog about political issues, y’all really get to clickin’. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to notice the jump in traffic, from you all, when I share information that relates to our country. With that, I came...

Healthcare Reform. What exactly is it all about?

Tort Reform. Healthcare Reform. After awhile, it’s all a jumbled mess and the pundits have our minds spinning. Legal reform. Defensive medicine costs (doctors defending themselves and their practices – which you and I pay for!) that waste billions of...


It’s a story of a harem girl that rose through the ranks, displaced the favored woman, and one day became queen. Believe it or not, it’s not the story of Esther in Persia from the Bible. But it does take place in what was the Turkish Empire (Persia was included), and...