by billyzh | Mar 23, 2009 | Asides
The definitions of pride and courage are simple: Pride is holding your head up when all around you have theirs bowed, courage is what makes you do it. – Anonymous
by billyzh | Mar 23, 2009 | Family, History, Politics
I don’t know about you, but I certainly missed the speech Tiger Woods gave at the Lincoln Memorial festivities during Barack Obama’s Inauguration. In case you missed it too, that’s most likely due to the fact that his time at the podium was something...
by billyzh | Mar 21, 2009 | Asides
Conductors of great symphony orchestras do not play every musical instrument; yet through leadership the ultimate production is an expressive and unified combination of tones. – Thomas D. Bailey
by billyzh | Mar 21, 2009 | Asides
North Carolina Senator Jesse Helms: America must be the moral leader. It is not enough to have power. Power must be used to protect freedom and give all people hope for the opportunity to see the fruit of their own labor.
by billyzh | Mar 21, 2009 | Career/Job, Family, Financial
POWER & POSITION DON’T EQUAL LEADERSHIP. That was the conclusion I came to recently. It was the discussion on leadership recently that got my mind questioning and processing on the subject. The more I thought about it, the more it made sense. Just...