
Everyday Life w/ Stephanie

House on fire!

Card from my dog…

Not so fast…

Keep It Simple.

When I hear the word simple it usually brings up images of the Amish in my mind. I have had the pleasure to experience of bit of their world. I can tell you, there is nothing quite like the beauty of those gorgeous horses elegantly trotting down the lane as they pull...

Keep Moving Forward.

Our country experienced some great losses this week. The Boston Marathon. The explosion in West Texas. Great loss. Leading to great pain. And the temptation to freeze, give up, do nothing... I remember a conversation a few years back with a colleague. They had lost a...

Tomorrow’s Bread, Please. And, Thanks!

"Give us this day our daily bread..." Many of us recognize this line as coming from the most famous prayer of all time. The Lord's Prayer. Found two different places in the Scriptures, (Matthew and Luke) one needs to realize that if it takes up that much space in the...

Lincoln’s Pocket watch: Just the facts please.

The movie LINCOLN has been a massive hit in theaters over the past few months. Everyone seemed to be talking about it for awhile. The focus of the film was about the slavery issue. But some may not recall his Presidency with those particular facts in mind. I remember...

He is Risen! He is Risen Indeed.

He is Risen! He is Risen Indeed. Such is the call and response that is very familiar to those in the church world. One person will say, "He is Risen," to which the other will reply, "He is Risen Indeed." Many of you will enjoy this exchange today in celebration of...

Holy Week: Stone Cold Saturday

The Tomb. That's where Christ was on this day. And it was deathly silent. It was Saturday. The Jewish Sabbath. So no work would be done from sunset the night before until sunset this night. That is why there was such a rush to have Jesus prepared for burial and placed...





Doing Life Together