Dig out that Flag!

Flag Day is coming. Can you guess what day? Not many folks are aware that June 14th is FLAG DAY. Maybe it’s because I grew up in San Diego County (a very military area) that I know about these things. I don’t really know. But I have to say, I have always...

D-Day: Here’s a bit on that.

Sitting in a hotel room that lay on the coast of England, allied commander Eisenhower knew that a small window of opportunity was all that he had with which to work. Weather was terrible. But if it broke, as they had been notified it might, 150,000 Allied soldiers...

Decoration Day: This Monday.

Did you know that this coming Monday used to be called Decoration Day? Few people are even aware of that nowadays, but that’s only because few of us have ever been told. You see, Memorial Day used to be a special time set aside for Americans to visit the...

Get Thee to Galilee.

The words of the angels at the tomb the day Jesus rose from the grave don’t often come to mind. But then again, that’s because they don’t mean much to us. It went like this, “Don’t be alarmed,” he said. “You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who...

8 Days after the Resurrection.

If you are new to this blog, “welcome!” We have been following the last week of Jesus on earth, His death and resurrection, and now, we are revisiting the 40 days he stayed on earth after He rose from the grave. It’s a topic you don’t hear much...

It Didn’t Stop There…

Many of us were raised thinking that once Jesus rose from the grave, he suddenly drifted up into heaven and was never heard from again. But actually, Scripture tells a different Story. In the book of Acts, we see that He actually stayed around for 40 more days!...