Cultural Warriors. Are you one?

Ok. So it goes without saying, when I blog about political issues, y’all really get to clickin’. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to notice the jump in traffic, from you all, when I share information that relates to our country. With that, I came...


It’s a story of a harem girl that rose through the ranks, displaced the favored woman, and one day became queen. Believe it or not, it’s not the story of Esther in Persia from the Bible. But it does take place in what was the Turkish Empire (Persia was included), and...

Milk Toast. Doesn’t Cut it.

People are drawn to, or are at least find that they admire, someone that stands up for what they believe it. Masking or watering down a message usually doesn’t bring about a lot of respect- for the person bringing it or the message itself in the end. Now, there...

Ellis Island. How Quickly We Forget.

I grew up in the San Diego, California area. So, to me, immigration was quite the usual topic of discussion. When this came across my email, I couldn’t help but share. In case you are not aware of Orange County in California, it’s above San Diego and just...