Jabba the Hutt. Moab Style.

So have you ever heard the story about Ehud? If not, don’t worry. You’re not alone. He lived more than 3,000 years ago, but his story was such that it lives on in the annals of history to this day. Basically, the ancient Israelite people (fighting for...

The 1st George W. Pointed the Way.

A Section from President George Washington’s Last Will and Testament… December 1799 “…Item Upon the decease of my wife, it is my Will and desire, that all the slaves which I hold in my own right, shall receive their freedom. To emancipate them during her life, would,...

Does Your Bark Match Your Bite?

While scanning the morning headlines, one particular bit of news immediately had me doing a double take. Did I really see that right?  Chihuahua takes on Cougar…and wins? Sure enough, I clicked on the link, and the story began to unfold.   Apparently a pet owner that...

Memorial Day – Part I

Not that my friend was trying to do me in, but after 50 minutes of Zumba class (my first visit to such fun), I was beginning to question her motives.  My heart pounding and my lungs heaving, I somehow successfully managed to climb into her car for the ride home....