Have Your Cake, and Eat It Too!

Did you know that the 12 Days of Christmas actually ended this past Sunday? If you did, you might also have known it marked the beginning of…Carnival Season. If you’re a Mardi Gras fan, this is not news. Carnival officially begins on Epiphany, or Twelfth Night. And,...

Happy Boxing Day: 12/26

Most Americans are not familiar with Boxing Day. We see it on those office supply store produced calendars, but always wonder what it’s about. We think of a day where folks maybe get a chance to punch that annoying visitng family member and let out agressions. Or...

A Christmas Night Story.

This week, we celebrated the best story ever told. Christ coming to earth, to give Himself as a gift to us. But for those of us Americans, there’s a wonderful national Christmas story from our history that I love to share as well. And it all happened Christmas...

The 1st War on Christmas: The Puritans

Puritans & Athiests actually have something in common. It’s true. I was shocked when I first learned years ago that Puritans were actually anti-Christmas and successfully managed to ban or cancel it in America (and England) in the 1600’s. If you...

Advent: The 3rd Candle. JOY

This coming Sunday of Advent actually has it’s own name. It’s called Gaudete Sunday. And a very big $3 prize for whoever got that word right. For those of you new to this blog, welcome. We’ve been taking a look at Advent (the season of anticiption)...

Hanukkah: What is it exactly anyway?

Over in the Holy Land, a couple of hundred years before Jesus arrived on the scene, the Greeks ruled that particular area. (You remember Alexander the Great? He conquered the world back at that time.) The Greeks wanted to impose their beliefs and culture on those they...