Turkeys, Thanks and Togetherness

It’s a lovely day from where I’m sitting. The sun is shining, the turkey is thawing, the breakfast casserole, the coffee and the bacon are finished (and they were yummy), the pup is enjoying the fantastic weather in the backyard, and I guess one...

Happy Decoration Day!

I always like to remind readers that today, Memorial Day,  used to be called Decoration Day. Few are aware of that in these modern times, but isn’t that because only few of us have ever been told? 🙂 It may come as a surprise to some, however, Memorial Day used...

Earth Day…came and went. Did you miss it?

So, no one wished me Happy Earth Day yesterday. It came and went without even a whimper. But, I, in true holiday fashion wished my colleagues a “happy” day. This year they celebrated 45 years of this movement. Funny, no one seemed to notice the great...

The Tomb

Saturday: The Tomb That’s where Christ was on this day. Saturday was the Jewish Sabbath. No work would be done from sunset the night before until sunset this night. That is why there was such a rush to have Jesus prepared for burial and placed into the tomb by...

Holy Week: Day 8

It’s Good Friday! If you have seen the amazing movie by Mel Gibson The Passion of the Christ, you know that calling the day Jesus was crucified “good” seems a bit strange. But the fact is, if you know the story, it does have a happy ending....

Holy Week: Day 7

Maundy Thursday  Growing up, I thought people were saying, “Monday Thursday,” and it always confused me a bit. But it’s actually “Maundy Thursday”. You’ll see church signs today (and probably have over the last week) announcing...