Get Your Story Straight.

As the radio host chattered away, I noticed that my distraction started to focus in on just exactly what the ranting and raving was all about. Apparently, this person of influence had received a bit of info and he was off and running. Interestingly, the very location...

Be Ye of Good Cheer

It’s the week after the election and as much as there is cheering and celebration in the streets for one side of the aisle, there is always weeping and gnashing of teeth behind the closed doors of the opposing party. Any time your team loses, it hurts. Bad. And, for...

Me and My Arrow, Taking the High Road.

Some of you are too young to remember that little jingle. It was a TV ad for a car called the “Arrow” and the tune set to the words above were actually quite catchy. Thus, the lingering melody in my head. But the arrows I was feeling this morning were of another...

New Road or Dead End.

Well, it’s the day after the election, and I guess protocol demands that I, as a blogger, comment on that monumental event. So, I will. First, the reason people flock to America is because we aren’t like any other country. Or else they would stay where they are. But...

Straighten Up and Fly Right.

It’s election time. And try as I might, without fail, I can be in mid conversation with someone that I assume believes and thinks the same way that I do and suddenly learn I was dreadfully wrong. Just as soon as I relax and begin to let down my guard a bit and...