Just the Facts, Ma’am.

Many readers may not remember the famous intro to the television show Dragnet. Two detectives knock on a door in attempt to discover the truth. In order to break the case, they question the unsuspecting friend or witness. Such is the stuff of what I will share with...

Give an inch, they’ll take a yard.

C.S. Lewis, in his book Mere Christianity, touched on the fact that Good and Evil both increase like compound interest. He explained that the little decisions we make every day are of utmost importance. The smallest good act today can produce great victories down the...

Political Prowess

I was cruising the usual blogs and articles when I came across some interesting data. Got to Googling as one does, and came up with some nifty info I couldn’t help but share. It being an election year and all, I can’t help but imagine politics not being a topic that I...

If the Spirit Leads…

You should be in church. Then, you should teach Sunday School. You should be in the choir. You should …fill in the blank here. Did you notice all of the shoulds? It’s one thing to want to do something. It’s another thing to feel that you should or that you just have...

Roots before Roses.

The press is abuzz today about the surprise splash that Governor Sarah Palin made onto the political scene last night. No matter what side of the aisle you claim, we all know, that speech created a surge of its own. No one saw it coming. If anything, we expected some...