by billyzh | Jan 17, 2009 | Not-Yet-Married
If you don’t recall those words, they are part of a famous line from a Vice Presidential debate where Admiral Stockdale, then the running mate with Presidential candidate Ross Perot, found himself suddenly on the national stage and in the spotlight. Sometimes I...
by billyzh | Jan 16, 2009 | Asides
My advice to you is get married: if you find a good wife you’ll be happy; if not, you’ll become a philosopher. – Socrates
by billyzh | Jan 16, 2009 | Divorced, Not-Yet-Married, Widowed
As I mentioned yesterday, writing a Blog on singleness was not one of the big 10 on my life-list of to dos. I just assumed that at some point in my little life I would be one of the myriad of women in the proverbial yellow house with the white picket fence, 2 kids, 2...
by billyzh | Jan 15, 2009 | Not-Yet-Married
I never planned to write a blog about singleness. I wanted to be married. Happily married I might add. So married? Not so much. But happy? Yes, actually. Thus, these ponderables. What you are now scanning and in the days ahead is nothing more than a blathering of...
by billyzh | Jan 14, 2009 | Asides
Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole. –Roger Caras Blog Awards