Say the Word.

Spread the Word. The Gospel, that is.   There was one particular song I enjoyed that became popular in the 1990s that was by the band Whiteheart. It was called Say the Word. I just could not get enough of it. The words spoke directly to my heart. They were so simple...

Is Greed Good?

As the CEO sat across from me, he leaned in, “Greed is good. What Enron did was wrong. But greed, in itself, is not bad.” I had to chew on that a moment. And process it. I could understand what he was trying to say. I think. The want for things is not bad....


While dialing the numbers to retrieve the update on my 401K, I noticed I was biting my lip.  I was not exactly sure that I wanted to hear the newest accounting from the other end, but as we all know, curiosity killed the cat, and it usually gets the best of this...