Tired of Winter? Think Spring!

I remember one of the first times I saw mustard and pickle relish in my potato salad. “Certainly,” I thought, “someone got this wrong”. In our family, the recipe that’s been handed down from my Pennsylvania Dutch Great-Grandmother, is considered the one and only way...

Have Your Cake and Eat it too!

I just might be the first person to wish you HAPPY CARNIVAL SEASON. Most of you may be thinking, “But it’s too cold for a fair.” Nope. Not that kind of amusement, but the kind of carnival season that leads up to Mardi Gras. And believe it or not,...

My 500th post!

A very special thanks to any and all of you who have graciously stopped by now and again. Hard to believe that today marks my 500th posting of this blog. When I started back in 2006, I didn’t even know what a blog really was. So I think I was mostly ramble...

Santa Claus the Mideasterner…is coming to town.

St. Nick a Mid Easterner? Well, kind of. Some of you may remember the days when the land currently known as Turkey was called Asia Minor. That’s what we saw on our maps at least back when I was in school and what we learned in geography. But I certainly don’t remember...