Advent finale: O Come, O Come Emmanuel.

The season of Anticipation is just about to hit a high note. This Sunday, we will light the final candle in the Advent wreath. But first… One of the very first solos that I ever performed was at a Christmas pageant. And I was thrilled when I learned which hymn I...

Dec. 7th. Know what happened on this day?

Clue: the year was 1941… I was remembering the other day that back when I was in high school, I used to jog around my neighborhood in order to keep in shape. My route usually took me past this one particular house with an RV (recreational vehicle) in the...

Advent: Know what it is?

The Advent season has begun.  If you’re not too familiar with this tradition, don’t worry. You’re not alone. But if you do, know that we’ll be focusing together on Advent in the coming days. So, just what is Advent anyway? You might have seen...

Journey to Thanksgiving -3

Today we continue the joureny…Monday, we left off chatting about Christopher Columbus. Spain was in the lead for discovering new worlds…and it is 1492! Five years later, John Cabot of England got in on the fun and landed on what is now Newfoundland...

It’s the Holiday Season…

The tunes and lyrics are ringing in my ears already as I stroll the aisles of the local stores. Meanwhile, the leaves from Autumn that fall on my deck and yard remind me that plenty more of their counterparts still dwell in the tree tops awaiting their timely descent....