Dead Silence.

Holy Week. Day 7. Saturday. (The Jewish Sabbath) In the grave. That’s where Christ was on this day. Stone cold. Deathly silent. It was the Sabbath. No work would be done. A day of complete rest for God’s chosen people. Thus, the rush to have Jesus prepared...

Happy Good Friday.

Holy Week. Day 6. Good Friday. As soon as I awoke, I knew the first plan of action for today was to find out who was baking Hot Cross Buns and then go and buy them. Support the tradition, and enjoy a yummy treat to boot.   So, I got online, and made a couple of calls....

The Last Supper.

Holy Week. Day 5.   Most people don’t realize that the Last Supper was actually the Passover Seder that Jesus celebrated with His disciples.  Remember: they were Jewish. Raised Jewish. And this was Passover week (The Feast of Unleavened Bread, actually. See Lk 22:1...

Spy Wednesday.

Holy Week. Day 4. Apparently, the Wednesday of Holy Week came to be known over time as “Spy Wednesday.” It is thought that on this day Judas Iscariot, (the disciple who betrayed Jesus) agreed to show the chief priests where they could easily capture The Christ. But it...

So Much to Do. So Little Time.

Day 3 of Holy Week.  Tuesday.   Tuesday before Christ was crucified was a very full day for Jesus.  Knowing it was His final week on this earth, as a human, you can really see how hard he was working to get every little last bit of business in that He could before His...

Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?

Holy Week. Day 2. Monday. So, now you know what happened on Palm Sunday. If you read yesterday’s blog that is.  Jesus went into Jerusalem,  rode through the streets on a donkey and the people waved palm branches and sang, “Hosanna to God in the highest.” You may have...