by Stephanie Huffman | Aug 6, 2020 | everyday life, Goals and Vision, PodCasts
I was standing in the kitchen in my robe, fuzzy slippers, and holding a cup of coffee. I was facing the refrigerator, I recall, and just standing there —staring blankly into space. I was facing an unexpected transition. I had been blindsided and I had also been beaten...
by Stephanie Huffman | Jun 29, 2020 | Goals and Vision, PodCasts
If you’ve ever experienced a sudden crisis or dramatic life change, you know that universal feeling that often accompanies one. It’s as if you sit on a carousel that keeps spinning faster and faster though no one manages the controls. Just when you try to get...
by billyzh | Nov 25, 2008 | PodCasts
This is another audio test to get our podcast up and running. Excuse the random posts 🙂 [podcast][/podcast]