by billyzh | Aug 24, 2010 | Career/Job, History, Politics, Women/Relationships
Ok. So be honest. How are you doing? Have you picked one “rule” each new blog to work on for those days? Well, if you haven’t there’s still time. Take a look at this next grouping. Remember: There are 110!!! Pick one. And work on it for the...
by billyzh | Aug 12, 2010 | Career/Job, Entertaining, History, Politics, Women/Relationships
It was the cutest, thin, red book. I loved it. But I can’t find it anywhere. Doesn’t that just get you when that happens. This little gem was something truly valued. Yet, now, nowhere to be found. And just what was that special gem you ask? It was my very...
by billyzh | Aug 3, 2010 | Family, Spirituality, Women/Relationships
As I poured my cup of coffee from the large urn that sat on the white cloth covered table outside the sanctuary doors, I suddenly realized there was a line for the cream and sugar. A line? How hard can it be to add cream and sugar I thought? Apparently, harder than...
by billyzh | Jul 20, 2010 | Career/Job, Spirituality, Women/Relationships
As the yoga instructor guided us through our final relaxation exercise, she wrapped up the session with the following challenge, “Try this. For the next 24 hours see if you can only think and speak positive.” Funny. I had done yoga for about 3 years, and I can’t...
by billyzh | Jun 8, 2010 | Career/Job, Dating, Family, Women/Relationships
Have you ever watched someone throw a tantrum? Maybe you have a tendency to burst out yourself. Most of us at one point or another have had the um…pleasure? Maybe you have recently been on the receiving end of someone’s temper. Those moments, along with...
by billyzh | Jun 1, 2010 | Women/Relationships
As some of you may know, I was scheduled to be on the show Tennessee Mornings the week of the 2010 Nashville Flood. The FOX 17 studios were filling up with water that week, so naturally, the interview was postponed. Since that time, the Solo Sister’s Relief Fund...